Contact to Rent

Please enter your phone in the format (555) 555 5555.
If you don't know the specific time window, please give us an estimate like "2 months".
We will communicate whether the unit is available for the starting date indicated, or give you the closest date it will be available.

If you need more information about our services or prices, please click down below to visit the corresponding pages.

Services Pricing

Contact Info

Location: 57 Golf Course Rd, Sturgeon Falls, ON P2B 2J6

Phone: (705) 753-2629

Toll Free Number:  1-888-212-1023


Customer Service

If you are interested in renting a unit, or need any service from our management team, please call us at 705-753-2629 or toll free at 1-888-212-1023

Our telephone operating hours are between 9 am to 5 pm from Monday to Friday. Please leave us a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

We aim to have 1  day max wait time. 

Review Us

If you think the services offered by Sturgeon Store All satisfied you, please rate us on Google Reviews!

As new management, we would really appreciate positive feedback!

Contact Us Using the Form

Interested in renting a unit? Please fill out the form above specifying which unit you are interested in and we will aim to answer you within a day!

Our Location

We are just outside of Sturgeon Falls,  taking the Trans-Canada Hwy East.

57 Golf Course Rd, Sturgeon Falls, ON P2B 2J6

(705) 753-2629

Toll Free Number:  1-888-212-1023

Contact Us Today